

About Our Trust

Welcome to Reach Academies Trust, where excellence in education meets a nurturing community. At Reach, we are committed to providing exceptional learning experiences that empower students for a lifetime of success. Explore our website to learn more about our mission, vision, and the exciting achievements happening at Reach Primary and Reach Secondary.

Girls having volleyball game indoor

Latest News

  • We are still waiting for responses from some parents for our trip to London. Please can those parents who haven't completed the consent form yet do so ASAP otherwise your child won't be able to attend.

  • Test
  • Parents evenings will begin again in May! 

    We will be hosting them virtually, via Weduc and more information will follow soon 😀

  • A big THANK YOU! to everyone who brought in food items for the Weduc Foodbank 

    We managed to donate over 220kg of food, thank you to all who helped and gave generous donations to those that are in crisis.

  • Parents evenings will begin again in May! 

    We will be hosting them virtually, via Weduc and more information will follow soon 😀

  • Reminder - Mock exams start at the end of April.

Upcoming Events

  • Return to School

  • Last Day for Half Term

  • Return to School

At Reach Academies Trust, our mission is to cultivate a passion for learning, foster resilience, and instill values that prepare students to thrive in a dynamic world. Our vision is to be a beacon of educational excellence, and our core values guide every aspect of the educational journey at Reach.

– CEO John Locke

Latest News

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